All nature in the world from kaku

In this blog you can find world of incredible nature, neon green river, snow photos from nat geo, bizarre creatures under the see, wonderful houses made out of recycled materials, precious natural stones and more. This blog always will be renewed.

The world of snowflakes

British microbiologist Brian Valentine is always keen on macro photography. According to him, now, when he retired, he had to devote much more time creating their amazing pictures taken by SLR. Most of the shots taken in his own garden, because apart from interest in photography, Brian is also an avid gardener.
world snowflakes

world snowflakes

world snowflakes
world snowflakes
world snowflakes
world snowflakes
world snowflakes
world snowflakes
world snowflakes
world snowflakes
world snowflakes
world snowflakes
world snowflakes
world snowflakes


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