Have you ever wondered how the end of this planet looks like? Now you guys got the chance. On the Antarctic Plateau in Antarctica there is located the Concordia Research Station which operate every day every year.
The summer temperature tend to be -25C, so just imagining the winter makes you scared. You would maybe think that this research station is run by Russians, but no, the truth is that it’s partly French and partly Italian.
It is about 500 kilometers away from humans and it opened in 2005. And when I say humans, I mean people that work on the nearest station, so the Concordia is even further away population, and you can say that it’s the most lonely place on earth.
The workers use a lot of days just to get out there from where their airplane left them 1100 kilometer away.
There are no plants of animals, except for some seabirds called “skua”. Another place that is perfect for research is on the Norwegian island Svalbard.
Via Kuriositas.
Thank you for sharing. Very interesting
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