All nature in the world from kaku

In this blog you can find world of incredible nature, neon green river, snow photos from nat geo, bizarre creatures under the see, wonderful houses made out of recycled materials, precious natural stones and more. This blog always will be renewed.

20 Uplifting Quotes and Pieces of Advice

20-year-old Julian Bialowas is an aspiring graphic designer who has a love for minimalist design and landscape photography. He's combined his two passions in this wonderful set where he takes a quote he's heard or seen and layers it on top of a photo. It's interesting to note that all of these photos were taken by him. The majority of them show the natural beauty of Calgary and the Canadian Rocky Mountains but he's also included photos of his travels to Iceland and the United States.

Beautiful, inspiring and uplifting.


Like your blog it's looking good and nice photos are really nice..


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