Do you see the red liquid flowing out of the Taylor Glacier in Antarctida? The color is obtained due to a high amount of iron oxide in
the water.
Salty water rich in iron leaves a small fissure at the Taylor Glacier.
The Blood Waterfall takes its water from a nearby lake covered with a
layer of ice which is 400 meters deep.
The lake appeared in the result of sea water retroversion and covering
the place with ice 4-1.5 million years ago. That time the level of the
world ocean was much higher than it is now.
Salt content in the water 4 times exceeds the one in the ocean. That's
why the water in the fall never freezes even if the temperature is below
10 degrees Celsius.
This beautiful waterfall was discovered in 1911. First researchers in
Antarctica thought the color was obtained due to red alga and found out
the true reason later. Iron oxide in the water is a result of metabolism
observed in unique microorganisms. Having analyzed chemical composition
of the water scientists could prove that the lake is inhabited by
organisms which are supplied with vital energy by reconstructing
sulfites from sulphates with their subsequent oxidation by ions of
trivalents iron entering the water from the mud line.
Bivalent iron ions which form the final product of bacterial metabolism
and leave the fissure at the Taylor Glacier are combined with oxygen
producing the red color. The unique ecosystem allows to believe that
it's possible to preserve life under similar conditions on other planets
covered with ice as well.
Video is not available yet as not many tourists visit the place and the waterfall appears only from time to time.
via nafanko
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